Browsing Tag

social justice

  • Africa, Travel Stories

    A day in the life: Ghana

    I’ve been traveling now for seven months, criss-crossing the globe and searching for answers to questions I haven’t quite been able to articulate. For now my journey has brought me back to…

  • Faith, Travel Stories

    A Traveler’s Prayer

    Thank you Lord for a safe place to rest my weary head tonight, for shelter and the privilege that comes with it. Thank you for directing my paths when I am helplessly…

  • Life Musings

    My Favorite Charities for Christmas Giving

           I’d like to start a new series called “My Favorite Things” that will include reviews of restaurants, bloggers, places, artists, etc. Basically whatever tickles my fancy! To kick off the season…

  • South America, Travel Stories


    “Are they savages? I mean…do they have religion?” These were questions fielded in my direction when discussing my recent travels. I am at a loss to answer. I hesitate, “What do you…