The snow makes crunching noises beneath my boots. The air is crisp and when the wind blows, bitterly cold, burning my cheeks. There are no tracks. The houses in the neighborhood are…
North America
I have a bad case of the February feels. It happens every year, around this time. The mid-winter slump hits full force and shakes me up, knocks me around a bit and offers…
This photo. This photo is magic and let me tell you why. Big Sur, California 2012 There was a road trip I took with my youngest sister and friend Marlise, in 2012.…
Dear Chicago, Will you take me back? It’s been many moons since your streetlamp lights have blocked out the view of the stars. It’s been too long since you first took me…
Temperance, hand in hand with violence, create some magnificent scenery. There is a resonance in my heart as we pass through the barrenness of the desert, letting the wind whip through our…
There is a restlessness to my silence, a boredom in my soul, lodging itself in my heart. I am staring at the beautiful outdoors of rural Maine, arm-wrestling all of the coincidences and circumstances…