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  • Poetry

    A house divided cannot stand

    Do not fear the shadow side of the moon,
    the double edged sword
    you carry in your hand.
    Feel, and never look back.
    Err, and do not retrace those steps.
    Stumble, and bear your scars with pride.

  • Faith, Life Musings, North America

    The gift of presence

    Presence. Every year, I choose a word to be my focal point. To guide and ground me through whatever life gives, and takes. I’ve done this for a decade. Long enough to know that all aspects of the word will be honed in on, the light and the dark. Life has a way of doing that, taking our intentions and lovingly developing a curriculum that will challenge and grow us in ways unexpected.

  • Faith, Life Musings

    Help is on the way

    What if we ask and it doesn’t come? What if the way it comes isn’t how we wanted it? What if it’s not from who we want it? Or, even worse, the last person we want it from?

    Asking is a form of surrender and that shit is scary. More than needing help itself.

  • Life Musings


    One of my very first classes as a Freshman in college was called “Dialogue.” It was a required class where we read material like Martin Luther King Jr.’s  “Letter from Birmingham Jail,”…