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  • Life Musings

    Thanksgiving (without) malaria

         Light filters through the windows, spiderwebs glisten in the shimmery softness and stillness. The house is empty and I have yet to get dressed, an afternoon of comfort, of Thanksgiving.…

  • Faith, Life Musings

    The Year of Jubilee

          Lately, I have been bursting at the seams with good news. All of my needs are being met with absolutely no effort on my part. Things are falling into…

  • Faith

    Trust without borders

    I’m in over my head. My energy, money, and patience have run out months ago, several countries ago. Things are not going well. In fact, they continue to spin out of control.…

  • Europe, Faith

    Happiness is…La rentrée

    Happiness is sitting in the laverie on a cold chair next to an old man, and his knowing smile as I try to figure out how to work the coin operated machine.…

  • Faith, Life Musings

    10 Secrets to Success

    I remember walking on the beach in Florida with one of my good friends after recently quitting my job and deciding to travel the world. We were talking about the experiences we’d…