I first wrote this when I was in Ghana in 2014. It seems even more timely to share it now. I hope someday (soon) I can write a different poem. How to…
“Your heart is a telescope,” I hear a man on the radio tell me. “An empty bucket for collecting light.” It collects a lot of other things, too. Beach trash Pebbles with…
Many times I have sat down at my desk to write to you. To tell you so many things, to share the inside out becoming outside in, to try to put words…
Don’t argue with yourself. “A house divided cannot stand.” There will be many battles with raised voices, debates that last into the night with weary pauses in-between. There will be conflict and…
Dear Chicago, Will you take me back? It’s been many moons since your streetlamp lights have blocked out the view of the stars. It’s been too long since you first took me…
On warm autumn afternoons we sit in the sunshine and put fallen leaves in our hair, weaving them in and out, trying our best to glow, to transform the sun’s…