The freedom I feel while waiting for the bus. I smile and take note. It reminds me of the color mustard and how I wore it for more than a year, strapped to my back, waiting and smoking and leaving and, saying hello again and again.
Life Musings
Can our love find a way that is not violence? That is not a reaction of hatred to hatred? Fear pushed up against fear, heavy heads against brick wall alleys?
It is a risk to love. I think of this as I sit next to my cousin on the broken down porch of our Grandfather’s home. He’s wearing a gun. I can…
Life Musings
“These are uncharted waters. Keep a fierce look-out,” and other sage advice from my sister
In a way, my sister grew me up. Although I am the oldest of three, we are all close enough in age that in a sense, we raised each other. I would…
Spidey sense. I keep thinking about it and what it means. How the web weaved is safety and comfort but also sticky and sometimes I can get trapped there. In my own…
I have a lot of anxiety. I’m not sure if most people know that about me. Honestly, I’m not sure how you can be human in this world and not be anxious.…