In two days I will be in Paris. Less than a week ago I was soaking up some sun in the Yucatan peninsula. Today I’m in a quaint town in Utah,…
I’m sitting in the shade gazing at the beautiful ruins of Tulum and trying to discourage a hungry iguana from eating my mango.These not-so-small critters are everywhere in Tulum! In the distance…
We’re sitting half-way up on one of the platforms of the Pyramid of the Sun, resting our sore legs and catching our breath. Suddenly, the señora next to us starts shouting, “Ladies and…
Like most of you, I have been reflecting on the events surrounding the Boston Marathon this week and trying to process another national tragedy. I am hundreds of miles away, but the…
My little sister Andriah created her own “study-abroad” experience by traveling in Central America using Workaway. She traveled alone, at twenty years old, and had some amazing experiences. For the first interview…
As the departure date for my Round the World Trip nears, one of the questions I’ve been asked frequently is, “How can you afford it?” When I first told my co-workers I…