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  • Poetry


    “Your heart is a telescope,” I hear a man on the radio tell me. “An empty bucket for collecting light.” It collects a lot of other things, too. Beach trash Pebbles with…

  • Life Musings

    A season of stillness

    A woman wearing leopard ballet flats and a canvas bag slung across her shoulder pauses outside the window to light a cigarette before moving on. For once, I am not the one…

  • Life Musings

    Full Circle

    Yesterday was a special day. “Happy Anniversary!” my friend texted me. The anniversary I was celebrating wasn’t your typical one. It wasn’t a romantic one, a sober one, or even a friendship…

  • Life Musings

    The Landing is Soft

    As I write this, I’m sitting at my grandmother’s old desk, surrounded by family photos and an assortment of colorful sticky notes with handwritten quotes on them, birthday cards, vintage cut-outs of…

  • North America, Poetry

    Dear Chicago,

    Dear Chicago, Will you take me back? It’s been many moons since your streetlamp lights have blocked out the view of the stars. It’s been too long since you first took me…