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  • spidey sense
    Life Musings

    Spidey sense

    Spidey sense. I keep thinking about it and what it means. How the web weaved is safety and comfort but also sticky and sometimes I can get trapped there. In my own…

  • a dog napping

    Almost, nearly perfect

    Notes from *Iceland, August 18, 2018 Sitting in the airport, listening to Sigur Rós and a reading a book, “The Almost Nearly Perfect People,” feeling quite the same. This moment is almost, nearly…

  • TheBarefootbeat
    Life Musings

    Chasing certainty

    “Are you sure you’re sure?” A gentle elbow stops me from following behind the footsteps of my realtor as a subtle whisper seeks my attention. It’s my cousin, carrying her soon-to-be two…

  • Life Musings

    El entretiempo- time between time

    We are entering the mutable. The sacred. We are living that porous, fluid time between time- el entretiempo. I was making a fall playlist for my sister and started playing around with…